Monday, March 2, 2015

Salmonberry blossoms

This year we're enjoying an early spring. Already the salmonberries are blossoming along the woodland trails of Bear Creek Park.

What lovely memories these early pink blooms evoke. As children, we waited through the long dark season of the Skeena Valley for the first signs of colour.

One late winter we came across mossy logs like those in this picture. Excited by the magic of this unseasonal green, we kept the new place secret, and gave it a magical epithet, "where the grass grows green in the winter time."

Oh the joy of seeing those long-awaited early spring salmon berry blossoms. Then there was the slow passage through spring until we could finally eat wild berries.

Back then, it seemed to take forever for one season to pass into the next. Now each season whirls by so quickly I feel I have barely time to take it in.

This month, I plan to walk each day, look closely at what spring has to show those who pause and observe. And record my findings in this blog.

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